I should feel relieved that a
demoliton permit will not be
issued for the building, right?
Wrong! I don't feel relieved at
all. When I picture in mind what
could have happened had EWCP Inc.
been successful in obtaining a
demolition permit from the City's
building department using its semi-
detached property next door,
(2929 Riverside Drive East), I don't
feel more secure.
I mean think about it for a minute.
Had EWCP Inc. managed to get a
demolition permit from the City, it
intended to not only demolish a building
it doesn't fully own, but demolish a
building that would be still occupied by
myself. If EWCP Inc caused a serious'
injury or worse death, what would it
claim? It was an accident? And of
course the supposed accidental death
would be blamed on me, right?
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