Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Recall that I got a telephone
call from the city's building
permit manager, Bill Jean, on
Thursday, February 6, 2008, in
response to my letter of February
5, 2008 and attached proof of
title from the Ontario Land
Registry (OLR).

When we spoke he indicated that
an application for a demolition
permit for 2929 Riverside Drive
East was submitted. He said id
that because a permit would demolish
the building, the application
was being denied. The buidling is
divided into two homes referred to
as sem-detached. A permit is for
the building so if the city issued
a demolition permit for EWCP Inc.'s
2929 Riverside Drive East property,
it would demolish the building,
including my property adjacent property,
2925 Riverside Drive East.

Yesterday, it occurred to me
that it would be a good idea
to ger confirmation in writing
that a demolition permit would not
be issued. S I sent a letter to
Mr.Jean requesting confirmation.
Hopefully I get a response soon.

So why would anyone behave in
such wicked manner? Well, ask a
terrorist why he would blow up
a house with people? In his mind
he can justify the destruction
and killing but to the rest of
us, he's just plain nuts!

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