It looks like my next door neighbor
has moved. My house is the corner lot.
Click on picture to enlarge.
See Blog Archives-October. Read
third post title, "EWCC's Buckingham Agent"
Well, what I suspected was close to
being correct. Not to long ago a moving
truck pulled up at the side of my house.
The name of the company is AM-PM Moving
and Delivery
I'm looking out my window and I note
that the moving guys are cutting
across my front property to get
to my neighbour's house. I thought,
"No Way!" I quickly go to my front
door and swing it open and say to the
moving guy as he is about to slide
by front door, "Uh Uh, don't cut across
my property, you have to go by the back.
I don't want to be responsible if you
hurt yourself on my property." He said,
I understand." I said, "Okay." I
close my door. A minute later I hear
a knock at my door. I know it's my
neighbour and I ignore him.
I have these little steps that swing
out to the side street sidewalk.
I picture one or both making a misstep,
tripping and falling on my property
and injurying themselves. I don't need
the additional headache or drama that
comes with that scenario.
I had enough drama and headache when my
hot water tank broke back in April of
this year. The tank broke, flooded my
downstairs and also leaked into my neighbours
home. He wasn't too bad, but she was not
understanding at all. The restoration
company that came to do the cleanup was
a nightmare. It took a lot of effort on my
part to get rid of them. This company just
wanted to inconvenience me for as long as
possible to milk as much money from the
insurance company as it could get away
with. Coincidently, the crews' supervisor
was a former contract supervisor at the Ford
Annex plant for two years. How do I know
this? He told me, after I told him I worked
at Ford.
What made me suspect that my neighbours
had moved? Well my neighbours always have
at least one vehicle in the driveaway,
usually it's his van. This past weekend
I notice that both vichles were gone at
the same time and then would reappear
together and leave simultaneously, as if
they they moving things out of the house.
They are a married couple. He works
at the Windsor Casino and his wife
works for the Windsor post office. He
either takes the shuttle bus to the Casino
or his wife drops him off to work in the
moring on the way to her work. They do things
together that requires only one vehicle or
only one of them goes out and the other stays
home. Thus there is always a vehicle in the
The property next door has had two owners.
When I first bought my house there was an
older couple living common-law next door.
The gentleman past away about a year after
(more or less)after I move in. I don't know
what the arrangement was with the property
prior to his death, but she owned the house.
Some time later, she met another gentleman,
a farmer, and she sold the house and moved
to the country with her new partner. My new
neighbour who was single at the time, about
three years ago hooked up with (dated) and
then married my neighbour who rented the
house directly behind us on Cadillac Street.
Do you remember the show, "The Jeffersons."?
The theme song has just come to mind.
"Movin' on up to the eastside.." LOL
After he married my next door neighbour,
his son, with his wife took over his
former rental house on Cadillac street.
His son moved out of the house with his
wife and new baby at the end of June.
Wouldn't it be a beeeach if the other
side reversed myself and the son. Meaning
in their mind they put the son in my
house on Riverside Drive and myself
in the son's former rental on Cadillac
Street. Can you imagine the implications
of that, if they based their decisions
and actions on that kind of reversal.
The thought makes me shudder.
Anyway, there appears to be someone in
the house now. I don't know if they are
tenants or not. Could be family for all
I know.
If you haven't already done so, don't forget
to read my post titled, "EWCC's Buckingham
Agent", in the October Blog Archives,
third post. Archives are found at the
top righ-hand side of the page.
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