Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Legal Fees - Still No Letter

I checked my mail. No letter. I
wonder if I ever will. I'll have
to give them until the end of
the week. If I don't get a letter
confirming that EWCP will pay my
legal fees, then perhaps I may need
to go down to the Land Registry office
to make sure that I am still the owner
of my property.

I keep thinking that my front door
is going to be busted down by Nazi
Nazi types, throwing me out of my
home that they stole from me or
stealing my house and then demanding
that I pay rent to them.

Did you ever see the movie, "The Halocaust"?
I haven't seen it in years. I'm talking maybe
20 years. And out of the blue today that movie
popped into my mind.

If you haven't done so as yet, please read
my post titled, East Windsor Congeneration
LP - Half a House?.

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