I got more time off. An additional
one day suspension on Tuesday September
9th, 2008 for insubordination on Friday
August 8th, 2008. The only problem with
that is I was not insubordinate because
I did not refuse a direct order. If I
was accused of insolence, well I suppose,
an employee calling one's supervisor Hitler
and a piece of shit, would be seen as
insolence, by some, but not HR. It's
seen as insubordination.
A little research on the net informed me
of the difference between insubordination
and insolence. Insubordination is an
intentional refusal to obey an employer's
lawful and reasonable order. Insolence
is an employee's derisive, contemptuous
or abusive language, generally directed
at a superior.
So what do you think? Was I insubordinate
or insolent?
My next post will be about a recent incident
involving a window salesperson and his
refusal to accept my in writing canceled order.
I canceled my order only a few hours after
agreeing to purchase windows. Short of calling
the cops on this guy, the steps I had to take
to get rid of my window stalker. Stay tuned.
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