Want to see the Seagrave
building before it's
demise? Go to Microsoft
Virtual Earth and type in
the search box, 961
Walker Road Windsor
Ontario Canada. You'll
see a satellite image of
the Seagrave building.
Although the satellite
image is old, it's still
pretty cool to see.
Try 963 Walker too. And
take look see at 2929 & 2925
Riverside Drive East.
If you want to know about the document
I've posted, see my earlier post below.
Click on image to enlarge
Microsoft Virtual Earth address
I think your references to the demo of the Seagrave building are completely irrelavent to the rest of your blog. It's like way out in left field. It was demo'ed by it's owner, nothing sneaky or malicious there.
I am also rather certain the the cover page of that fax mentions some sort of confidentiality and destruction upon accidential transmission to the wrong person.
And while on the topic of posting things you shouldn't post. I am able to read everything you blacked out on other documents you posted. I'm sure your lawyer wouldn't be happy.
Sharon, great stuff, I am amazed (but not shocked) at what you're having to deal with.
Someone just sent me a link to your site today, and it's fascinating. I run the website Interationalmetropolis.com, and I was recently over on Cadillac taking photos of the houses before they're all knocked down.
Can you shoot me an email, I'd love to talk with you and maybe spread the word on your story as I feature the photos soon.
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