Saturday, April 12, 2008

Getting Drunk Not Good For the Common Good

So here we go again. There's the
car parked in my driveway again.
By the way I don't drive. So
there shouldn't be any vehicles
parked on my property unless they
are my guests. This vehicle is
from the kid living in the house
behind me. He and his friends use
to park in front of the house the
kid lives in and along the street.
But AECON employees have hogged
up every parking spot on the street
including in front where the kid
lives. I can see that the street
is empty of vehicles and Our
Lady of the Rosary Church (AECON)
parking lot is empty too.

There's parking in front of the house.
I'm annoyed because I spoke to
him about this before, only about
week and half ago. And here was his
car again, parked in my driveway,
when there is parking in front
of his house and the entire street.

I speak to the kid again. He says,
he's sorry, again. My response was,
"No you're not." He admits that he
is trespassing, but then goes on to
say that he was told he could park
on the property. I asked him who told
him that. He says, "The construction guys."
Translation - AECON guys.

The kid knows he's trespassing, but
parks his vehicle on my property
anyway. Neither the kid or
his friends would have parked on
my property before the big corporations
moved in. And would have asked
before parking on my property.

When I think of this kid and some of my
other neighbours (and a particular
Habitat for Humanity employee)
a saying comes to mind, " A drunken man's
words is a sober man's thoughts."
The kid knowingly trespassing on my property
is his 'drunken man's words' his lack
of respect is his 'sober man's thoughts"
The 'sober man's thoughts" were there
before the corporation, but since the
corporations have moved in, some people
feel secure in drinking until they're

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