Saturday, May 3, 2008

Forced Eviction & Human Rights

What is forced eviction?
The practice of forced eviction
involves the involuntary removal
of persons from their homes or
land either directly or indirectly
attributable to the State. Forced
evictions can always be attributed
directly or indirectly to
specific decisions, legislation
or policies of States or the
failure of States to intervene
to halt forced evictions by
third parties.

There is an element of "force"
or coercion involved in forced
eviction. Forced eviction often
involves the irreparable demolition
of homes of affected persons, sometimes
as a form of punishment for political
or other activities.

Forced evictions can be carried out,
sanctioned, demanded, proposed,
initiated, or tolerated by a number of
actors, including national governments
local and municipal governments,
occupational authorities, developers,
planners, landlords (public and private),
property speculators and international
financial institutions and other agencies.
Importantly, the ultimate legal
responsibility for preventing forced
evictions, however, always rests
with Governments, no matter which
actors are the driving force behind
a particular eviction.

Info. from Fact Sheet NO.25, Forced
Evictions and Human Rights; from
the Office of the High Commissioner
for Human Rights.

Don't forget to read my earlier postS,
"Legal Description of Property & PIN";
"My letter to editor -Unfair Advantage"
"It's Personal" , Feb. 12, 2008

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