Saturday, May 17, 2008

August 2007 Offer/Counter offer

I've posted the August 2007
offer/counteroffer in my
google photo gallery, Note
condition 4(e), the confidentiality
clause and September 12th, 2007

Also see archives or copy and paste link
to browser, for September 16th, 2007 post, tilted,
East Windsor Cogeneration LP- Half a house?

Monday, May 12, 2008

Seagrave- The content of demoliton Permit

"The permit erroneously refers
to the two-storey building as
one storey. And while it lists
it as an abandoned commercial
building at 961 Walker Road, it
lists the location of the
demolition at 933 Walker Road."
Quote from The Windsor Star
article titled, "Seagrave
demolition called a national loss."

I was thinking what would a
demolition permit for 2929
Riverside Drive East read?
I bet it would erroneously
refer to the semi-detached
building, as a detached building.
On the other hand a permit could
list the building as semi-detached
units, implying that EWCP owns both
properties, when it only owns
2929. That would be another
Eff-up, wouldn't it?

The difference between a detached
building and a semi-detached?
A detached unit is a single
dwelling unit standing alone,
separately titled. A semi-detached
unit is one of a pair of self-
contained dwelling units often of
mirror design, attached by a
common wall but detached from
other buildings; separate titles.
(Info. fr. Ottawa Real Estate
Board website)

Seagrave building called national loss

Sunday, May 11, 2008


Did you know that the previous
owner of the semi-detached, 2929
Riverside Drive East, Debbie Revels,
is the aunt of the children of a city
council person? Look for the common
denominator. There's a link or
more accurately another one. It may
mean nothing or it may mean something.
But too many coincidences are not

Friday, May 9, 2008

Seagrave Buidling - The demolition permit


Guess who issued the demolition
permit for the Seagrave Building?
Check out today's Windsor Star.

"Seagrave demolition called
national loss"

"History in the rubble"

If you get a chance, read my February
2008 posts found in the Archives.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

My Google Video Clips of Area

type in search box, East Windsor
Cogeneration Project - The threat
of demolition.

Monday, May 5, 2008

I am the last homeowner

I did a title search on 2939 Riverside
Drive East. Transfer of the title of the
property to East Windsor Cogeneration
Properties Inc. occurred on November 15,
2007. EWCP purchased the property for
$263,350. This amount would not include
the Sellers's expenses.

What made me decide to do a title search?
I was on my way to work and saw a car
in their driveway that I had never seen
been for. Of course it could be guests
or they could have got a new vehicle,
but I've been told they like Volvos
and that's all I've ever seen in their

Yesterday there was an older Volvo,
at least it looked like their car, parked
in the driveway. This little blue car parked
in the driveway today seemed all wrong.
The second clue was the older women
from Habitat for Humananity. I saw
her and she was in a good mood when
she saw me. That wasn't a good sign.

Publish Post.
Usually she is not pleasant.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Forced Eviction

It occurred to me that if my house
was demolished I would still have
to pay the mortgage and taxes on
the property since I would still own
the property. What a scam that would

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Forced Eviction & Human Rights

What is forced eviction?
The practice of forced eviction
involves the involuntary removal
of persons from their homes or
land either directly or indirectly
attributable to the State. Forced
evictions can always be attributed
directly or indirectly to
specific decisions, legislation
or policies of States or the
failure of States to intervene
to halt forced evictions by
third parties.

There is an element of "force"
or coercion involved in forced
eviction. Forced eviction often
involves the irreparable demolition
of homes of affected persons, sometimes
as a form of punishment for political
or other activities.

Forced evictions can be carried out,
sanctioned, demanded, proposed,
initiated, or tolerated by a number of
actors, including national governments
local and municipal governments,
occupational authorities, developers,
planners, landlords (public and private),
property speculators and international
financial institutions and other agencies.
Importantly, the ultimate legal
responsibility for preventing forced
evictions, however, always rests
with Governments, no matter which
actors are the driving force behind
a particular eviction.

Info. from Fact Sheet NO.25, Forced
Evictions and Human Rights; from
the Office of the High Commissioner
for Human Rights.

Don't forget to read my earlier postS,
"Legal Description of Property & PIN";
"My letter to editor -Unfair Advantage"
"It's Personal" , Feb. 12, 2008

Friday, May 2, 2008

Legal Desciption of Property & PIN

The legal description of property
is the description recognized by law
that is sufficient to locate and
identify property. The legal
description is not the address of the
building. The address of a property
may change but the legal description
usually will not. The government
will always know where it will be
collecting its taxes. So it has to
know where to find our property
regardless of an address change on
the property. The legal description
ensures that an address change on a
property won't lose or hide a property
from the government.

Legal description can be found on
the deed, city tax assessment and also
the Agreement of Purchase and Sale.
The legal description of my property,
2925 Riverside Drive East is,
PT LT 99 CON 1
PTS 1, 3, 4
12R11736, S/T

The Property Identification
Number (PIN) is a unique
number assigned to every
parcel of land in Ontario. The
PIN will identify the owner (s)
of a property and other info.
via title search and other land
related searches. The 'active'
PIN for my property is, 01090-
0222 (LR).

The legal description for
EWCC/EWCP's property, 2929
Riverside Drive East is
PT LT 99 CON 1
PT 2,
12R11736; T/W
The'active' PIN is,

The legal description & PIN shows
that the semi-detached properties
are different lots.

I was told that all the properties
had been purchased by EWCC/EWCP.
But now I am not so certain of
that. My other Riverside Drive
neighbour may not have sold or have
but haven't moved yet. The family
is still there.

Enwin Utilities was by this morning
to shut off the power at the house
behind me, 220 Cadillac Street. It's
the last house on Cadillac Street to
be demolished.

Oh by the way, my property taxes are
paid weekly.