Sunday, September 16, 2007

East Windsor Cogeneration LP - Half a House?

I was really ticked off the other day at the
EWCLP's agent from Buckingham Realty.
He forwarded a letter to me requesting to
set up meeting as EWCLP was still prepared
to negotiate a deal. I took that to mean that my
counter-offer was not accepted.

Prior to submitting my second counter-offer,
I got a letter from Jeff Meyers the President &
CEO of EWCLP directing me to provide my
offer to the Buckingham agent and the agent
would provide my offer to EWCLP. Funny
thing about that was, the agent had told me
earlier that apparently EWCLP's Counsels,
after receiving my first counter-offer, did not
want me faxing my material to them.
According to the agent, the Counsels' said
that my material could only be provided by
a lawyer to them. I thought, "Excuse me."

Anyways, I wasn't comfortable with the idea
of giving my offer to EWCLP's agent. Wonder
if the agent didn't submit my offer to his client.
He could tell me that he did, but in fact didn't.
Or submit my offer but later they claim they
didn't get it, then what? How do I prove that
they did receive it without my own record.
Besides, I didn't have a lot of faith in their agent.

I faxed my counter-offer to EWCLP's
Counsels. On August 31, 2007, the Buckingham
agent called me at home to tell me that "they"
in reference to EWCLP didn't receive my offer.
Right then I knew. He was playing games and
I told him exactly that. I told him that they did
get it. I faxed my offer to EWCLP's lawyers. He
asked, "When?". I told him I'd have to check my
records and call him back. I called him back
few minutes later and announced it was faxed
July 31st, 2007.

The agent , with his imperious attitude, then
told me I was suppose to give my offer to him,
like the letter directed me to do. He said, "That's
what they want!" His attitude pissed me right
off. I shouted, "I don't give a fuck what they
want! He insisted and I said, " Don't tell me
what to fucking do. I'll do what I think is in my
best interest." I was mad as hell. Who did this
man think he is? God himself? I told him,
"I didn't agree to co-operate with you,
now did I?'' Later the same day, I ended up
faxing a brief letter to Jeff Meyers explaining
why I did not do as directed in his letter.

Imagine had I done as directed in the letter,
given my offer to the agent, I bet I would
have heard too late, that EWCLP did not receive
my offer and it would be twisted to make it
look like I was the bad guy. How would I have
proven that EWCLP received my offer if my
offer was given to their agent? These people,
think co-operation means co-operate even if it's
not in your interest. In fact your expected to
knowingly co-operate in harming your own
interest? I don't think that's reasonable.

My meeting with the Buckingham agent was
on Wednesday, September 12, 2007. It lasted
maybe all of a of a minute. Why? He informed
me that he had already made a deal with my
neighbour. I was pissed. I wasn't angry because
he made an agreement with them first. I was
angry because of the way he went about it.
He played me! He turned the process into
a game.

Something that should have be straightforward
right from its inception was turned into a
childish joke. He was quite pleased with
himself. As if to say, " See, this is proof that
you're stupid and I'm smarter than you. Didn't
you see that, you idiot, it was the point of
this entire exercise. To show you how
superior I am to you. You didn't think my
client really wanted to buy your house,
now did you? "

The agent had lead me to believe that an
agreement would be negotiated and
reached with me first. Then the same
agreement would be presented to my
neighbour who would have to agree
accept the agreement. In other words
if my neighbour did not agree, then no
deal. As according to the agent, EWCLP
did not want to get stuck with half a
house. The agent after informing me that
an agreement had been reached already
with my neighbour, had the audacity to
tell me that their property was none of
my businees.

The entire thing was done backwards,
but I decided that it was easier to go with
flow and try to work around problems in
the agreement, than to continue arguing
with an agent, whose response to every
protest or suggestion was, "No." It became
evident to me that negotiation and dictation
had the same meaning to him. He's nothing
like the Remax agent who sold me my house.
The Remax agent was helpful and he
wasn't even my agent but the Seller's.

A real estate agent from Manor Realty
told me early on that he would be willing
to represent myself and my neighbour
in negotiations with EWCLP as it made
more sense to negotiate together. I agreed.
Unfortunately, my neighbour didn't. We
both were left wondering, why? It sure
would have made things easier. I took
a mental note of the fact that my neighbour's
son and family who lived directly behind
us, moved out of their rented house at the
end of June.

I happen to notice they were moving their
stuff out of the house one day, while
I happened to be watering my garden. The
son told me they had found an apartment
on far eastside of the city. Most of their
stuff was in storage as the apartment
could not accommodate all of their belongings.
He hoped they would be able to get another
house sometime next year. I can't recall
whether he indicated they intended to
rent or buy a house.

So far according to its agent, EWCLP has a
conditional agreement for half a house. Half
house because my home style is a semi-
detached sometimes referred to as a duplex.
I wonder who they're going to blame for that?

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