I wonder what would have happened
if I had not contacted NorthStar
and Canada Post, if the outcome
would have been different. Would
my registered mail and Xpress post
to NorthStar still appear to be
Now on to Ducana Joe. After I send
my letters, I wonder if Joe will
return my cheques. Oh by the way,
I indicated incorrectly in Part II
that Joe received my registered
letter on September 4th, 2008. He
received my letter on Wednesday
September 3rd, 2008.
The following day, September 4th,
I'm at work, on day shift, I'm on
my job, and a man walks by (lots of
men walk by my job) but this man walks
a few feet a head and turns to glance
back at me. I was shocked I swear
it was Ducana Joe looking back at me.
He had a clip board in his hand and he
looked at me and non chalantly turned
away and continued on to wherever
he was going. I watched him disappear.
I thought no way it can't be him, but
it looked like him. Whether it was
Ducana Joe or not (and I suspect it
was him, I'm sure Ducana Windows
does commercial work too), seeing him
made think that I wasn't getting
the cheques back. On that day
I put stop payments on the
Joe choosing to ignore my letter
canceling my order, called numerous
times and left a number of messages
which I ignored, hoping he would get
the message. He didn't.
On Saturday September 06, 2008, Joe
shows up at my house. I ignore his
knock at my door. Later that day, I
head out. I notice Joe has left a copy of
my faxed August 29th, cancellation letter
taped to my storm door. On the letter he
writes that he can't cancel my order
without my signature. He ask that I
call him, for the zillionth time. If
he needs my signature, then it meant
I had to see him. I did't want to see
Ducana Joe.
I fax a letter addressed to Joe dated
September 8th, directing him to drop
off the documents he needed signed.
He didn't drop anything off. So I take
the Ducana invoice and the invoice
for the installation company and I write
on both, that the order was canceled
August 29th, 2008 by customer. I endorse
with my signature. I fax Ducana's invoice
to Ducana and fax the window installation
company's invoice to it. That should
end it, right. Nope. After I fax the
invoices, Joe calls again. I had enough.
I contact Ducana's head office.
I tell the women I speak to at Ducana's
head office, that I canceled an order for
windows and the salesperson keeps calling
me. She asks my name. I tell her and I
listen as her tone drops - like "oh it's you,"
That kind of tone. I immediately got the
impression she knew my name. She said
that she knew I canceled but she never
mentions my letter as the source of the
cancellation. She mentions my stop payment
as what indicated to Ducana that I canceled.
My cheques were never returned as I requested
in my August 29th, letter.
She asked me who the salesperson was. I tell her
Ducana Joe's name. I tell her he won't stop
calling me. She then asked the strangest
question. At least to me it was strange. She asked,
"Why would he do that?" Does it matter? I responded,
" I don't know. He just won't accept the cancellation."
I then go on to tell her that my fax machine
records all incoming calls, and I have a record
of all Joe's telephone calls. She said she would
send hin a voice mail and tell him to stop.
Shortly after speaking with the women from
Ducana, my telephone rings. I check my caller
I.D. There's no name appearing on the screen
and the telephone number I don't recognize.
I wonder if it's Joe using a different number.
I decide to call the number. It turns out not
to be Joe but the installer.
The installer after receiving the invoice I
faxed earlier called to find out what was
going on. He asks why I canceled. This question
annoyed me. I think I was just annoyed with the
whole matter. I tell him, it doesn't matter why
I canceled, I canceled. He said he spoke to Joe
and Joe told him that he wasn't certain that I had
canceled. I don't know when the installer
spoke to Ducana Joe. I assumed he spoke to
Joe after he received my fax.
The installer told me he was at my house to
take measurements of my windows. I told
the installer that Joe should not have sent
him to my house to take measurements on my
windows when he knew I canceled the order.
The installer apologized. I accepted his
apology because I knew he didn't know I
canceled the order when he came on my property
to measure my windows. So while I'm at work Joe
has the installation company on my property.
The nerve of this stranger.
I wonder why Joe would have the installer take
measurements of my windows knowing that I canceled
the order. Did he intend to have the windows installed
anyway? Would I come home from work one day to find
that new windows had been installed in my home.
The installer would need to get in the house, right?
Joe would need to provide the installer with a key
to my house, which means someone would have to provide
Joe with a key to my house. It sure wouldn't be me.
I make a mental list of who had the keys to my house
before I me. The previous owner (next door
neighbour) and the law firms involved in the sales
transaction. Maybe no one had another set of
keys to my house, but on the other hand Joe's
behaviour made me not so certain of that. I've
since changed the locks on my house.
Since I spoke to the women at Ducana's head office
I have not received another telephone call from
By the way, I did have an energy assessment done.
To see letters sent and other info.