Monday, August 11, 2008

Turn Around America

Although this short video is American
much of it applies to Canada as well.
It's a great video, great message.

Friday, August 8, 2008


I was initially suspended for raising my voice. Then I
inadvertently upped the ante by calling the supervisor
Hitler, and then subsequently calling him a piece of shit.

I'm sick of being bothered by two-faced backstabbing
pricks and beaches, including individuals in positions
of trust like this supervisor. How do you trust and respect
one's supervisor when one's supervisor doesn't like you
and in turn doesn't respect you. You can't just go.
work, do your job and go home at the end of your shift.
They are obsessed. They don't leave a person alone.
It's one thing after another,after another, with
these people. It's like they have a mental illness.
I want to scream, "WHAT THE EEF IS WRONG WITH YOU!

Why doesn't this supervisor like me? Because he
knows, that I know that that he and rest of his
ilk are BAD NEWS. They want to turn Canada into
China. They treat you as if you are residing
in Communist China as it is. Why else the big
deal over my sleeping during my break. Oh Yeah,
flexible work rules! What a joke that is. Change
the rules when you want to screw a worker for no
reason other than, you feel like it. Oh
and you though flexible work rules were
about productivity - it can be, but it's
also about abuse too.

How do you create monsters? Modern Operating
Agreements and worse, Competitive Operating
Agreements. Unionized workplaces, that are
non union. I know, real clever.

My last break is at 2:00 p.m. I decided to take
a power nap. This supervisor wakes me up to tell
me that I cannot sleep while on my break. It's
the most absurd thing I have ever heard.
It's nonsense, but this supervisor is going to
run with it anyway. I ask the supervisor if he's
going to tell me If and when I can go to the
washroom on my break. If I can go to the cafeteria
or for a walk. The point being is this supervisor ,
going to decide what I do on my free time. Oh,
and according to this supervisor this no sleeping
during my break was supported by human resources.
I'm wasn't surprise by that - HR's involvement.

You know what kills me about people like this
supervisor, they have had all the advantages that
Canada has provided them and have sucked up
all the advantages (freedoms) Canada has to offer,
but yet have the audacity to attempt to deprive
others of the same. How arrogant and ungrateful.
As for those that were raised here, they are
ingrates too.

This supervisor approved my vacation week for
next week the day before, but he has also put me
suspension. So I don't know what' going to
happen in terms of being paid for next week. If
it's already approved, what now? I know your
thinking, ask the union. But the only thing I'll
say about the union is that they have become very
bold about doing nothing, which is the same as
complicity isn't it?